The product of engineering design for an engineering and construction project is a bunch of engineering documents and drawings. They are also frequently called 'Engineering Deliverables'.

These engineering deliverables may not be the same as tasks or activities within a project. Hence WorkPack provides a separate sheet for every project to list these documents and drawings. It is called 'Document List' and it is accessible from the bottom row on 'Project Details' or "Task List' pages.

The same document list of a project can also be accessed from dashboard.

The 'Document List' itself is a configurable spreadsheet where all the documents and drawings of a project are listed. Format of this spreadsheet can be configured from 'Settings' button. Further all the documents / drawings can be linked to tasks / activities in the task list by selecting them as 'Parent Tasks' of individual documents / drawings.

You can easily import a document list available in MS Excel sheet. All entries in the document list can be bulk edited using toolbar at the top. Further new entries can be added from the last row of the document list. Finally project manager or engineering manager can select these documents and assign them to different team members to work on.

After assigning documents to someone, those users become owners of assigned documents and they can upload files against these document numbers and get them reviewed and approved online using WorkPack.