Document control module in WorkPack is a platform to streamline the review & approval process of engineering drawings and documents. WorkPack facilitates review and approval process by combining a drawing / document editor with flexible workflows.

Owners of tasks / deliverables in WorkPack upload document files against their own tasks. Send these documents for review by their own team or even to clients, vendors etc.

The recipients of documents / drawings can comment or mark-up on the files. All these comments must be resolved by the document / task owner. Task owners then send a comment resolution sheet for approval from the respective checkers. Internal checkers are notified on WorkPack dashboard.

External checkers receive an email with a link to the comment resolution sheet. 

On the comment resolution sheet, checkers have an option to accept or reject the responses given by document owners to their comments. When all the responses are accepted, comments are closed and document can be approved. 

In case the response from document owner is not satisfactory or if the document is not updated properly, response to that comment can be rejected and the document owner will be notified. While rejecting, a reason for rejection needs to be given.

The same reason is tabulated in the comment resolution sheet and document owner must respond to the same.

Document owner and checker can communicate back and forth on the comment resolution sheet until all the comments are closed to the satisfaction of the document checker. After closing all comments, the approval button become enabled so that checker can approve the document.

When document is approved, task / document owner and relevant stakeholders are notified of the same.