In addition to managing your documents and drawing files from the WorkPack website, you can also use our Windows desktop-based software to directly, add /edit /delete files from your Windows PC to WorkPack cloud.
First, you will need to download and install WorkPack desktop app for Windows. Log into the WorkPack desktop app using your WorkPack credentials from the web version.
When you have installed the desktop app and synced certain projects on your Windows PC, those project folders will be visible in the left pane (box) of your desktop app. Click on any project, the select your department, browse through tasks. When you click on any task, you will see all the document folders within that task, as per the workflow configured for that project.
Further, click on any of the folders to open the contents in that folder in the middle pane (middle area in following screenshot). Here you can double click on any file to open, view and edit it. Note that only the project admin and task owner will have the rights to add, edit or delete files in a folder.
When you right-click on a file, you will see different options depending on your access rights for that file. The first option will open the file on your PC.
If you select 'Open Task Details', the task details page for that task will open in the WorkPack website with your credentials. When you click on send file, you will be able to share this file via the WorkPack website.
If your email account is integrated with WorkPack website, the file will be emailed to the recipients. You will have the rights to add, edit and delete files in the folders where you are either the task owner or project admin.
Further, you will also see a 'To-do List' in your desktop app whenever you log in. This to-do list is updated on daily basis to highlight all those items which are pending against your name in WorkPack. Click on any item in the to-do list to open the corresponding folder and start working on that item.