After adding a new project in WorkPack, the next step is to create a list of tasks to be performed to execute that project. The task list can either be created manually or imported from an Excel sheet. Both options are available on the 'Task List' creation page.

Before importing the tasks from an Excel sheet, it is important to fix the format for the task list by defining columns in the task list, their input data type, validations, sequence of columns etc. The task list format can be set up from the "Settings" button at the top.

After fixing the format for task list, click on the import button. The "Manage Import" panel then opens up as a pop-up. In the "Manage Import" panel, first select the excel sheet from which task list data is to be imported. 

Note that, the selected Excel sheet should only have one single sheet with the task data, since the import function will only read one sheet from the selected Excel file. 

Further, define the number of rows which correspond to tasks to be imported. For example if tasks 1 to 50 are in rows numbered 3 - 52 of the Excel sheet, then numbers 3 and 52 need to be specified to give the range of rows to be imported.

Finally, different columns of the task list corresponding to data fields should be mapped with the actual columns in the Excel sheet. For example if the "Titles" of different tasks are listed in column C of the sheet to be imported, then "Title" field will be mapped to "C" column of the Excel sheet and accordingly data will be imported.

Note that all the fields which are mandatory need to be imported from the Excel sheet to successfully create corresponding task entries in WorkPack.