For different types of tasks or deliverables in your WorkPack projects, you can define task milestones. These milestones are steps through which a task is completed. The milestones are defined at the beginning of a project, using the workflow master.

For each task WorkPack also creates folders corresponding to different milestones within that task. One set of folders is added for there is a tab corresponding to each tab. 

Owner of a task can share different files and folders within that task with team members on WorkPack and even with outsiders such as - clients, contractors, vendors etc..

To add a new folder to a task, click on the 'Add new tab' button in the manage files section. The button looks like a large 'plus' sign (+) on the right side of row of tabs.  

While adding a folder, it should be linked to one of the milestones. So that the document uploaded within that folder will be linked to corresponding stage of the task. After clicking the 'add a tab' button, a pop-up appears. There you can select the proper milestone to which new folder will be linked.

For example, SUB is milestone corresponding to document submission. There is a default SUB folder created for revision 0 or each task. Further for adding a submission folder for revision 1, you can click on 'add new tab' button and select the SUB milestone for new folder. Then the newly added tab will correspond to SUB for revision 1.